Base space

the website of
Rodolfo R. Soldati Logo

Photograph by my friend Mark.

about me
I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Quantum Computing – University of Waterloo.
See also (links open in new page):
CV file | ORCID iD | Google Scholar | Lattes
For a list of preprints see: arXiv.
For contact information you can either take a look at my CV, my ORCID iD, or my latest preprints.

by Rodolfo R. Soldati

A minimal thermodynamics manuscript

30 September 2021

In a new branch of my PhD project, we study the thermodynamics of a reset implementation of algorithmic cooling. This is a device purifying the states of qubits, which initializes them for use in quantum computations. In the point of view employed, the purified state of the qubit is equivalent to a cooled state, in an interesting interplay between quantum thermodynamics and quantum information theory. Check it out in arXiv!
For this study we collaborated with the groups at the University of Stuttgart. In a partnership with the experimental group at the institute, led by Prof. Wrachtrup and Dr. Durga Dasari, we applied our analysis to their NV-center set-up, allowing for a practical comparison of the algorithm with the theoretical bounds for the usual thermodynamic refrigerator, and further making available a set of results that may be used to investigate other experimental platforms.

🏷 tags: phd

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